Prakruti Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy After Surgery

What Is the Purpose of Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists perform myriad functions related to health and well-being. The purpose of physical therapy is to help a patient achieve optimal physical functioning. In an orthopedic setting, this may include the treatment of an acute or chronic injury. Alternatively, patients may be referred to as physical therapy after surgery.

During an intake session, physical therapists examine each patient’s medical history. Assessments may include measurements of physical strength, balance, range of motion, breathing rate, coordination, and motor functioning. A physical therapist may make recommendations about your ability to return to work or perform everyday activities following an injury.

The Problem of Non-Compliance with Physical Therapy

Unfortunately, many patients are not fully compliant with physical therapy recommendations. Perhaps the largest reason that patients do not comply with physical therapy recommendations is that they do not understand why PT is so important for recovery. When talking to your orthopedic doctor about physical therapy, ask how it will help you.

Other possible reasons for non-compliance include fear of pain during physical therapy. It is true that physical therapists may attempt to find your limits or push your comfort zone a bit. However, if you are experiencing pain at any time, it is important to tell your physical therapist. 

Why Physical Therapy is So Important after Surgery

If you ask any orthopedic specialists, they will tell you that the success of a given treatment is heavily influenced by compliance with physical therapy recommendations. Imagine that two identical patients undergo the same hip surgery. One faithfully attends physical therapy appointments and performs recommended exercises at home. The other stops going to physical therapy after one or two sessions. After a few months, there will likely be a dramatic difference between the two patients in the range of motion and everyday functioning.

Following surgery, bones, muscles and soft tissues undergo a period healing. Failure to use the joint may cause it to heal improperly. This can limit the range of motion, flexibility, a function of the joint and overall surgical outcome. This makes it essential to complete physical therapy after surgery.

Post-surgery physical therapy plays a crucial role in post-operative rehabilitation, as post-surgery physiotherapy ensures faster and complete recovery and effective return to the prior level of physical function. Post-surgery body tissue/joint/cartilage needs some stimulus to recover; this much-needed stimulus is provided by post-surgery physical therapy.

Some of the other benefits of physiotherapy after surgery are as follows;

  • It helps in the proper circulation of blood after surgery, thus preventing blood clots.

  • It helps in improving the muscle strength, posture, and balance of the body.

  • Physiotherapy also proves beneficial in helping a person get back on their feet.

  • Physiotherapy also provides effective self – care training to the patient like safely getting out of bed, bathing, climbing stairs, etc.   

  • Physiotherapy reduces pain and equips you with pain control and manual therapy techniques.

  • Finally, physiotherapy reduces the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PCCs).